5 Adaptations to Cope with Sight Loss
If you have recently become visually impaired or are changing to a new living situation, this blog post shares 5 simple adaptations to help you with your daily living and chores. While everyone is different and there are varying degrees of vision loss, there are...
Additional Home Modifications for the Totally Blind
If you are visually impaired or blind (or caring for someone who is), modifying your house to fit your specific needs can make all the difference. As a matter of fact, home modifications can allow you to move around more easily and complete day to day tasks in less...
Home Modifications for the Visually Impaired or Blind
If you are visually impaired or blind (or caring for someone who is), home modifications to fit your specific needs can make all the difference. It can allow you to move around more easily and complete day to day tasks in less time. While everyone is different and...