If you are visually impaired or blind (or caring for someone who is), home modifications to fit your specific needs can make all the difference. It can allow you to move around more easily and complete day to day tasks in less time.
While everyone is different and there are varying degrees of vision loss, there are usually fairly simple, low-cost changes you can make to the spaces you spend the most time in.
If you or your loved one’s vision is gradually diminishing, you can start making these changes ahead of time for added convenience. If the vision loss is sudden or you have a child that is visually impaired, there are adaptive techniques you can learn to help your days go by smoothly.
In either instance, it’s important to ensure your living space is safe, comfortable and easy to navigate. In this guide, we’ll show you how to make sure your home is organized in a way that meets the most important requirements.
Also, be sure to check out our friends at hireahelper.com who has a collection of blog posts on DIY projects to get your stuff together better with organizational pro-tips.
Check out our other blog post on home modifications for those with total blindness.
Home Modifications for Those With Low Vision
If you or a loved one is living with some form of visual impairment you will want to outfit your home in a way that will make life more efficient. Depending on the degree of visual impairment, there are simple adjustments that can be made to help with your day-to-day activities.
While many home modifications for the blind are on the lower end of the cost spectrum, it can still feel overwhelming to make these changes. Thankfully, many of these modifications can be fairly easily implemented. It’s just a matter of knowing the basics and planning.
Rearrange the Furniture
Rearranging the furniture in your house can help you move around more easily and avoid injury. There are also certain ways you can arrange your furniture to add convenience and functionality to your living space. You can:
- Place mirrors strategically to avoid glare or reflecting light. We’ll discuss more about adjusting lights in the next subsection of this home modification for the visually impaired or blind blog post.
- Keep some chairs near the windows in case you want to read, work or craft in the natural light. We often don’t give second thoughts to how much natural light benefits our health. And it’s not just about our moods — natural lighting also affects our sleep and vitamin D levels.
- Arrange furniture close together so that you can easily converse with others. However, avoid placing furniture too close to one another that your mobility is impeded. You’ll know the pieces of furniture are too close when you start bumping into them every now and then.
- When buying new furniture, try to pick upholstery with texture. This will help you identify the different pieces of furniture better. In the same fashion of how tactile markers work.
- Place brightly colored vases or lamps near key items of furniture so that you can locate it more easily. This, too, would allow you to recognize furniture in different rooms.

Adjust the Lighting
You will want to provide plenty of light in the areas of the home that are used for recreation, reading and socializing. Light should always be aimed at the point of focus, i.e., where you will be doing work, not at the eyes. Tips to help provide adequate lighting around the house include:
- Adding floor and table lamps around the living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom. Clip-on lights can be placed strategically around the house for added convenience.
- Use lighting that is 60-100 watts. Replace burned out bulbs regularly so that you are able to see better.
- Allow for natural light throughout the home by using adjustable blinds or sheer curtains.
- Experiment with lighting to find out which works best for your individual needs. There is halogen, fluorescent, incandescent or flood lighting and most people will prefer different ones. It’s worth noting that fluorescent light does bother many visually impaired people.
- Keep a flashlight or heavy-duty light on a keychain or have a few around the house in case you need additional light at night.
- Make sure light is uniform throughout your entire hallway to more easily identify where it curves or ends.
Bernadette Bannisters, Positive Living Blog
Eliminate Safety Hazards
Feeling safe inside your own home is important. When you feel safe, everyday tasks become more manageable, and everyday living becomes more enjoyable.
There are a number of things you can do to prevent falls and other injuries—and most of them are quite simple. Your family and friends, too, plays a part in identifying and eliminating safety hazards at home. You can:
- Keep desk and table chairs pushed in and train your family to do the same. All of the time. No exceptions.
- Use non-skid, non-glare products to clean and polish your floors. Avoid waxing floors, which can make them slippery!
- Remove low-lying objects that might be trip hazards such as coffee tables and end tables.
- Ensure there are no cords in any of the pathways so that you don’t trip.
- Make sure electrical cords are removed from pathways or taped down securely.
- Tape down any area rugs you have and replace any worn carpeting or floor coverings.
- Keep all floors dry and wipe up any spills immediately.
- Install grab bars or safety rails in high-slip areas like your bathroom or on the stairs.
- Mark step edges with yellow reflective tape so that you can easily identify them.
- Always keep your fire extinguisher and first aid kit in the same, easily accessible place.
- Make sure all exits are marked with a bright, contrasting color in case of emergency.
- Have smoke and fire alarms checked often, and ensure they are loud enough that you can hear them in all areas of the house.

Use Contrasting Colors
Keep the color principles top of mind as you prepare your home. Know that bright colors are often the easiest to see since they reflect light. Solid, brighter colors such as orange, red and yellow are more visible than their muted counterparts.
It’s important to keep in mind that dim light can wash out certain colors, while bright light can amplify them. Test what works best for you in your home modification journey, and use contrasting colors to make the areas of your house easier to distinguish.
- Use brightly colored vases, lamps or sculptures to help identify where key pieces of furniture are.
- Avoid upholstery and rugs that are patterned. Stripes and checks can create confusion for some people who are visually impaired.
- Use color to indicate changes in surface level (such as on the stairs).
- Use contrasting colors to warn about places that may be hazardous or require extra attention (such as fluorescent tape on the inside of doors or cabinets that may be ajar).
- Color-code household items you use often or bills and documents you may need to work with. (Brightly colored post-it notes work great!)
- Drape a brightly colored blanket or towel in a contrasting color on the back of your favorite chair or your spot on the couch.
- Use dark, solid colors as borders around white or light objects (such as a light switch). This will help it to stand out.
- Place dark objects (like chairs) in front of lighter colored walls which will also help these items to stand out.
- Avoid using clear glass dishes and cups, as they are more difficult to see.
- Paint door knobs and door frames a bright color so that they are easier to see.
- Use a different color of paint on the ceiling than the walls.
- Use solid (non-patterned) rugs to help you identify different areas of the home.

Create an Organized Environment
If you keep your home organized it will be easier to find things when you need them. It can also eliminate any tripping hazards and reduce frustration when doing everyday chores. Here are some tips to help you say organized:
- Label, label, label. Label everything in your home, from reusable bottles to hangers for clothing to on/off switches. You can even label cabinets!
- Use drawer dividers and closet organizers to separate clothing.
- Label clothing with the letter of the clothing color on the tag.
- Develop a system to keep food and toiletry items organized. Always keep these items in the same place and label them as necessary.
- Always keep chairs and other easily movable furniture in the same place.
- Use large numbered devices for telephones, timers, calculators or anything with numbers that need to be seen.
- Train family members to respect the organizational system you’ve developed. Explain to them why and how it helps you.
Till next time.
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